
KNIPEX Automatic stripping pliers type 5490

Product documents

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Product overview

Length (mm)
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Auto. wire-str. pliers 195mm mm2 KNIPEX Auto. wire-str. pliers 195mm mm2 ERIKS Item #: W90A-54900005

Catalogue item no 1: 3317004

Catalogue item no 2: W44A-50242

In Stock
Price (Per piece):
Blade block for auto. wire-str. pliers KNIPEX Blade block for auto. wire-str. pliers ERIKS Item #: W90A-54900010

Catalogue item no 1: 6091529

Catalogue item no 2: W44A-50458

Estimated delivery date 17-05-2024 
Price (Per piece):
Length (mm)
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